Category Archives: spiritual hunger

SEARCHING FOR GOD- Knowledge of the Holy- Tozer

Quest for God

We began the hike at 12 am, up the trail of Sinai. My quest, was to encounter the living God.

Over the years, I have heard of the book, Knowledge of the Holy, by A.W. Tozer. I finally bought it and am up to Chapter 3. God desires us to press in and search for Him. He loves it. He stays hidden behind a thin veil through which we cannot see, but His eternal, loving being is unbelievably close to us. Here is a little quote from the book to wet your appetite:

“In approaching God, he says, the seeker discovers that the divine Being dwells in obscurity, hidden behind a cloud of unknowing; nevertheless he should not be discouraged but set his will with a naked intent unto God. …by the mercy of God faith can break through into His Presence if the seeker but believe the Word and press on.” Quote from The Cloud of Unknowing by John M. Watkins.

When I press in toward God, I can feel His smile and His hand draw me closer. God created man for relationship. Jesus demonstrated this, and was so close to the Father that Jesus only did what He heard the Father telling Him.

FREE VERSE POETRY: God quickens the poet in me, and bids me come like David. To find Him is my quest, which He has initiated in my heart. I feel a stir in my spirit, a beauty of sonnets or a well-executed painting, or the flutter of inspiration which alights like joy. My quest is not glistening gold or precious gems. It is not a tangible thing. It is HIM I seek, the intangible, mysterious, invisible God who woos me.

He leaves me traces of bread crumbs, taking me from the house of  bread to the ends of the earth to find the greatest treasure. I am on a treasure hunt with a map of verses, books and whispered hints in my spirit that feel like the unsettling rustling of leaves in the oak trees. I turn to see, but He stands in a shroud of invisible. I am sure He’s smiling on the other side. 

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