Author Archives: Laurie Stasi

About Laurie Stasi

Laurie Stasi is a writer and the author of SHADOW PAINTER. She has a passion to encourage Christian artists to release what God is showing to them through their art and writing. She has been involved with prophetic art for 15 years. She also writes for children, and creates poetry.




CHALLENGE LEVEL 1:  Eat fruit or vegetables with every meal.

CHALLENGE LEVEL 2: Eat RAW fruit or vegetables with every meal.

CHALLENGE LEVEL 3: Eat raw fruits or vegetables BEFORE you eat your regular meal.

Many of us are not getting the proper nutrition they need for optimum health. We fill ourselves with snacks, and crave more right after we finish. This is because our body is starving for nutrition. We may be full, even fat, but our body is screaming for more vitamins and minerals. If we fill ourselves first with the proper nutrition through fruits and vegetables, we crave less. We are filled by good, natural fiber which cleans our gut. Every day science is proving that vegetables and fruits have healing properties, heal cancer, they build our immune system, and give us more energy. God designed them perfectly, to be the optimum fuel for our bodies. One study even shows you have healthier, glowing skin, (are more attractive) when you eat fruits and vegetables with Carotenoids like tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, green leafy vegetables. They even slow down the aging process! One British study showed that fruits and vegetable reduce type 2 diabetes.

Daniel, was a young man in the Bible, who chose to eat fruits, vegetables and grains over the luxurious foods of the day. His overseer was concerned, and didn’t think it would keep him in good health. Daniel replied, “Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see.” So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead.” Daniel 1:12-16.

Take the challenge for 10 days, and see the difference in your health. Daniel was blessed and favored by eating God’s natural foods.


BERRIES- reduce Parkinsons, lower blood pressure, reduce heart disease, and reduce the incident of a cancer, and cause cancer cells to self destruct. Natural pigments that give berries their rich red, purple, of blue color act as powerful anti-cancer agents. 

TOMATOES: Cancers such as prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and cancers of the stomach, mouth, pharynx, and esophagus have all been proven to be staved off by high levels of Lycopene found in tomatoes. 

ONIONS: “Another study shows that people that consumed onions more frequently had an 84 percent lower chance of developing oral cancer or cancer of the pharynx, an 88 percent lower possibility for esophageal cancer. Besides reducing the potential for colorectal cancer by 56 percent, regular consumption of onions also lowered the risk for prostate cancer, breast cancer, laryngeal cancer ovarian cancer and renal cancer. In fact, it was even better than garlic for its potential to decrease the risk of these cancers. Besides reducing the potential for cancer, onions also lower blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels. It is an anti-inflammatory and things the blood in addition to reducing blood clots. It helps the body to eliminate excess retained water with its natural diuretic quality. In addition to that, onions also can help those with diabetes. The chromium in the onion helps lower and maintain blood sugar. Not only do onions contain chromium that helps the cells use blood sugar more efficiently, it also contains allyl propyl disulfide that clinical tests identify as the agent that lowers glucose levels in the body.”

GRAPES: “contain resveratrol, you know it’s an antioxidant, which might reduce the risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. However, what most people don’t realize is that it also has a big influence on the genes that decide whether your body ages like your calendar years suggest. It can actually slow the aging process and make your DNA more stable, which could mean that you’d extend your life by as much as 70 percent and reduce the number of age related diseases.”
Are you up for the Challenge? Choose your level, and watch your health improve, your energy level increase, and your face shine.
Laurie Stasi,
Info from various sources including 

I Love Artichokes


They are a mystery, a wonder of beauty. When I first tasted artichoke dip, I was hooked. I love boiling artichokes  in lemon juice, and eating them with butter and parmesan cheese. Marinated artichokes are incredible on salads. I was  not exposed to artichokes as a child (where were they hiding?) It makes me wonder how many other fruits or vegetables I have not discovered yet. I am on a mission, to find other natural, vitamin packed, healthy foods that God made and try them.


This photo is a repost, grilled artichokes with garlic and cheese. I’ll have to try it!

SEARCHING FOR GOD- Knowledge of the Holy- Tozer

Quest for God

We began the hike at 12 am, up the trail of Sinai. My quest, was to encounter the living God.

Over the years, I have heard of the book, Knowledge of the Holy, by A.W. Tozer. I finally bought it and am up to Chapter 3. God desires us to press in and search for Him. He loves it. He stays hidden behind a thin veil through which we cannot see, but His eternal, loving being is unbelievably close to us. Here is a little quote from the book to wet your appetite:

“In approaching God, he says, the seeker discovers that the divine Being dwells in obscurity, hidden behind a cloud of unknowing; nevertheless he should not be discouraged but set his will with a naked intent unto God. …by the mercy of God faith can break through into His Presence if the seeker but believe the Word and press on.” Quote from The Cloud of Unknowing by John M. Watkins.

When I press in toward God, I can feel His smile and His hand draw me closer. God created man for relationship. Jesus demonstrated this, and was so close to the Father that Jesus only did what He heard the Father telling Him.

FREE VERSE POETRY: God quickens the poet in me, and bids me come like David. To find Him is my quest, which He has initiated in my heart. I feel a stir in my spirit, a beauty of sonnets or a well-executed painting, or the flutter of inspiration which alights like joy. My quest is not glistening gold or precious gems. It is not a tangible thing. It is HIM I seek, the intangible, mysterious, invisible God who woos me.

He leaves me traces of bread crumbs, taking me from the house of  bread to the ends of the earth to find the greatest treasure. I am on a treasure hunt with a map of verses, books and whispered hints in my spirit that feel like the unsettling rustling of leaves in the oak trees. I turn to see, but He stands in a shroud of invisible. I am sure He’s smiling on the other side. 

Share your thoughts on Searching for God in your life.



Cilantro Pesto Removes Heavy Metals

1) Cilantro

There’s nothing I like more than learning about inexpensive, common herbs or spices that exhibit unusual healing properties. Historically, the use of herbs and spices in cooking evolved as a method to preserve foods and make them safer to store and eat. We’ve grown accustomed to using these items to enhance or accentuate the flavors of food, but researchers continue to discover herbs have much more to offer than just good taste. Cilantro is such an herb and one of its medicinal benefits was uncovered through the work of Dr. Yoshiaki Omura.

Dr. Omura treated several patients for an eye infection called trachoma (granular conjunctivitis), which is caused by the micro-organism Chlamydia trachomatis. Following the standard treatment, Dr. Omura found that the patients’ symptoms would initially clear up, only to recur within a few months. He experienced similar difficulties in treating viral-related problems…

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God’s Picture of Abundance!


God’s idea of blessing is far above what we normally imagine. TheBible says the  Israelites sent spies into the promised land. They returned with a report that it was a land flowing with milk and honey. It says, “..and from there cut down a branch with a single cluster of grapes; and they carried it on a pole between two men, with some of the pomegranates and the figs.” Numbers 13:23.

God wants to bless us in every way, over the top, to the max, exceedingly above all we ask or imagine. We tend to limit God, to doubt Him and His goodness. Even when He gives us a glimpse, we lack faith. The Israelite spies said, the land is good, but there are giants in the land. How often do we see the glass half full? Are you living with a negative mindset? Fear is the opposite of faith. You need to go forward with what God has promised and stand in faith. Just look at all that abundance and blessing He has set before you. “Fear not, I am with you.”

“Let them shout for joy and rejoice, who favor my vindication;  And let them say continually, “The LORD be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.” Psalm 35:27. God desires to bless us and make us prosper. Meditate on that while you eat a big bowl of grapes tonight.

Refreshing and Nutritious GRAPES!


There is noting like a hand full of cold grapes on a hot summer day. Their juicy sweetness makes them satisfy our sugar-cravings. They are packed full of phyto-nutrients, anti-oxidants nutrients. and minerals.

Grapes contain resveratrol which is a powerful antioxidant that protects against colon and prostrate cancer, heart disease, degenerative nerve disease, and Alzheimer’s disease and viral/fungal infections. It also reduces the risk of stroke.

Sick people are easily surrendered to their doctor for medicine, but what if they just started eating the right foods? What if God already provided for natural methods of good health? Grapes are a perfect example. They also contain Anthocyanins, a class of antioxidants that have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer activities.

Grapes are low in calories, and have no cholesterol. They are rich in micronutrient minerals like copper iron and  Manganese. They are a good source of Vitamins C, A, K, B-complex, and carotines.

So, remember, when you choose to satisfy your sweet tooth, if you grab a bunch of grapes you are increasing your health, and decreasing disease in your body. If you grab a cookie, candy bar or other sugar filled snack, you are doing the opposite. Choose wisely and live longer!

My Little Glass


Portion ControlI love my little, glass antique juice glasses. They are perfect for portion control! People tend to overeat nuts and snacks. Having the correct portion in my hand, and enjoying that amount helps keep from over indulging. Nuts are incredible, and high in omega-3, but they also contain enough fat to make you fat, if in regularly over do it. Look for little, 1/2 cup size juice glasses next time you are out at the re-sale shop, or antique store. Enjoying a beautiful glass is part of the savored life. Little things matter. All of life can be a line of poetry.

Better Baking – Substitutions


There are ways to change recipes that can help you health. Here are a few suggestions, but let me know of others you find!

-Substitute applesauce for butter in recipes. We have been doing this for years. It works great.

-Use alternative natural sweetners like Honey, Agave, concentrated apple juice (I keep a frozen can in the freezer for making smoothies). Adding real fruit will add flavor and a little sweeting. When using honey, it is sweeter than sugar, so 1/2 the amount works well. Natural maple syrup is another natural alternative. Also dried fruits like raisins or dates add sweetness. has some great no-sugar recipes, or

-Use less egg yolks. I dump some or all of the yolk when I bake, or when I make omelets or french toast. Yolks clog up your arteries, and make those pesty gall stones. I personally believe they also clog your brain. Use egg yolks in moderation, or not at all! Sometimes we substitute yogurt or 1/2 a banana. Other suggestions I found for egg substitutions (use one, not all):

  • 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 Tbl. liquid, 1 Tbl. vinegar•
  • 1 tsp. yeast dissolved in 1/4 cup warm water•
  • 1 Tbl. apricot puree•
  • 1 1/2 Tbl. water, 1 1/2 Tbl. oil, 1 tsp. baking powder

-Switch to olive oil for most of your cooking needs. Don’t heat it to a high heat. If you are not used to olive oil, the taste may be strong. Over time, you will acquire a liking of it. Olive oil is good for your heart, whereas most the other oils are not. The Mediterranean diet contains a lot of olive oil per day. They have lower incidents of heart disease ( because of their diet.

  • “”Your best cooking or baking fats are generally butter or tropical oils such as palm or coconut oil.  Olive oil (extra virgin preferably) is ok for lower cooking temps as it’s mostly monounsaturated, so moderately stable.  The mostly polyunsaturated oils such as soybean, grapeseed, cottonseed, safflower, etc, are the least healthy for cooking or baking.  My choices for top healthy cooking oils that I use: Virgin Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil (only for low temp cooking), Real Butter (grass fed if possible)”
  • More info on cooking oils on site:
Liquid Smoke:  When cooking meals, I never use pork. (More on that subject at another time!) I do add Liquid Smoke to give a bacon-like smoke flavor. I add it to things like pea soup, which normally calls for a ham bone for flavor.
Ingredient Healthy Substitution
Whole milk (one cup) One cup fat-free or nonfat milk plus one tablespoon of unsaturated oil like safflower or canola
Heavy cream (one cup) One cup evaporated skim milk, or one cup cup half and half
Sour cream Low-fat Greek yogurt
Cream cheese Four tablespoons margarine blended with one cup dry low-fat cottage cheese; add a small amount of fat-free milk if needed
Butter (one tablespoon) One tablespoon polyunsaturated margarine or 3/4 tablespoon polyunsaturated oil like safflower oil
Shortening (one cup) Two sticks polyunsaturated margarine like original Earth Balance or Smart Balance
One Egg One egg white plus two teaspoons of unsaturated oil (canola or safflower) or commercially made, cholesterol-free egg substitute
Unsweetened baking chocolate (one ounce) Three tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder or carob powder plus one tablespoon polyunsaturated oil (like safflower or corn oil) or margarine. Carob is sweeter than cocoa, so reduce sugar in recipe by 1/4